So genau sieht es aus, wenn man mit Schnorchel, Flossen und Tauchanzug bewaffnet, von einem Boot in die warmen Fluten des Indischen Oeans springt, ein riesiger Walhai sich durch's Wasser schiebt und man einfach gemuetlich nebenher paddelt!
Keine Angst, Walhaie sind zwar Haie.. moegen aber keine goesseren Mahlzeiten als Schrimps oder Plankton, die sie mit weit aufgerissenem Maul durch ihre Kiemen, aus dem Wasser ueber dem wunderschoenen Korallenriff filtern. Unglaublich beeindruckend neben dem groessten Fisch der Welt im Wasser mitzuhalten und diesen grazilen Koloss von ganz nahem beobachten zu koennen!
Ich hab mir hier von Exmouth eine Mitfahrgelegenheit nach Broome besorgt, morgen frueh geht's schon wieder weiter durch die wilde Steppe! Blder gibt's spaeter..
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Yes. it looks just like this, when you jump of the back of your boat, with your snorkels, wetsuit and flippers to chase a whaleshark in the warm water of the Indian Ozean ofshore the West Coast of Australia near Exmouth and in the biggest frinhc Coral Reef in the World, the Ningaloo Marine Park. But don't you worry, there's no danger to swim with these sharks, as they don't eat bigger things than shrimps or plankton for lunch.. they use their huge mouth, wide open, pull their heavy weight bodies through the crystal clear water and filter their meal through their skulls.. and i swim just bside him! Awesom adventure.. but i gona leave Exmouth in Broome direction tomorow morning, as i got myself a lift again to share the ride!
Pictures gonna come later..
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Oh my god!!
They don't eat bigger things than shrimps!?
What a cute shark!!
omg Jens, I think there is nothing that you havent done! cool! I will send you your european pictures to your germany address. Enjoy the rest of your amazing trip
yeah shiori.. but you're so small.. they probably can fit you in there mouth!! people say they taste good.. would you cook some suchi for me if i catch one?-)
thank you so much nacho, hope it's not to expensive to send them over.. gonna be in spain again and pay the beer.. or better rum coke, eh?
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