Sunday, September 28, 2008

back home

Ich bin tatsaechlich wieder zu Haus, da mich ein Sterbefall in meiner Familie nicht lange nachdenken liess um einen Flug in die Heimat zu buchen um die letzte Ehre zu erweisen. Meine Oma hat immer gesagt: "Egal wo du hingehst Junge, vergiss nicht wo du herkommst!"
Damit ist mein australisches Abenteuer erstmal kurzfristig beenedet.. und der Tazmanische Teufel hat vorlaeufig seine unverdiente Ruhe.

Vielen Dank an alle die mich hier in irgendeiner Weise begleitet haben und alle fleissigen Leser.
Hoffe es war unterhaltsam.. Ich hatte meinen Spass ;-)

Hey folks, I got to go home as an important person in my family died, I haven't had to think twice before i booked the flight back home to support my family in these days. My Granni always said: " Whereever you go, don't forget where you once belonged."
That means my australian adventure is finished for now and the tazmanian devil keeps his territory.. we'll see about this later, though.

Thanks to everybody and all the readers. Hope you had a bit of fun.. I certainly had ;-)


Thanks to everybody


nacHo said...

I´m really sorry about your family relative. Its not easy to finish an adventure like yours in this way, but I´m sure your family will be happy to see u again.

I´m looking foward to heard about your next one. You know you have a friend with a lot of spanish oil in Madrid :P

Tazmanian devil was shaking only to think about you.

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry Jens. How are you ?? Are you OK ?? Your sentences in this blog seems you are ok, but I think you are not kind of person who shows the emotion evertime, even hide the saddness.
Take care body, I and everybody is always with you !!!
Hope to hear from you soon !!

Anonymous said...

thank you guys.. i really appreciate your kind words. like always!! It's true i had to cancel all my travels so soon but it is a minor thing compared to the time i get to spent now supporting my family and serve the last pride to my grandma who was with me all my life!

death is part of all our lifes and it leaves you no choice but to choose your attitude towards it..

Beein back in europe brings me closer to all you guys again.. and soon I'll see you again to eat all your oil or whatever there is to eat.. haha.. I'm hungry. remember?

Yohei, i will show my friends how to make some sushi rolls and will be thinkin of you my friend!!

how are you anyway? send me some mails with some news.. pronto!

Anonymous said...

ey Jens, I´m sorry too. I know you are strong and intelligent, and you know how to face life´s things. Take care! We hope to see you soon again in Spain with the biggest smile ever!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh no....I'm sorry (T_T)
But don't forget about that we are always beside you,Jens.

Also,it is a little bit sad your adventure is finished because I always feel that I travel around Australia with you,when I read your Blog.

so please come back and tell us the wonderful thing you had in your life.

I miss you so much,my gentleman.
Take care!!