Wednesday, July 9, 2008

spieL spass Und gUte LaUne

Mein wochenende, arbeiten aUf dem RUmmeL hier in ALice springs... Und aLLes getestet

My weekend working at the LUna park in ALice springs, tested aLL rides!!


Anonymous said...

HEY BRO !!!! How are You !???
Testing the rides is your work ?? It must be the best or most scary work.. But the best part of this post is the picture in which you are wearing an uniform ! It is kind of funny for me as I never imagine you are working seriously ! :p

! said...

yohei... i'm all good!! i actually worked with the kids and got to test the rides for free after work... spent your time too serious is wasting your time seriuosly! always a smile on the lips man!! just like you